Viewing Life Mathematically plus Integrated Review
0.1 How to Read a Math Textbook
0.2 Tips for Success in a Math Course
0.3 Tips for Improving Math Test Scores
0.4 Practice, Patience, and Persistence!
0.5 Note Taking
0.6 Do I Need a Math Tutor?
0.7 Tips for Improving Your Memory
0.8 Overcoming Anxiety
0.9 Online Resources
0.10 Preparing for a Final Math Exam
0.11 Managing Your Time Effectively
1.R.1 Introduction to Whole Numbers
1.R.2 Rounding and Estimating with Whole Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Rounding Whole Numbers
- Example 2: Rounding Whole Numbers
- Example 3: Application: Rounding Whole Numbers
- Example 4: Estimating a Sum of Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Estimating a Difference of Whole Numbers
- Example 7: Application: Estimating a Difference of Whole Numbers
- Example 8: Estimating Products of Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Estimating Products of Whole Numbers
- Example 10: Estimating Quotients of Whole Numbers
- Example 11: Estimating Quotients of Whole Numbers
- Example 13: Estimating Quotients of Whole Numbers
1.R.3 Exponents and Order of Operations
- Examples
- Example 1: Identifying the Base and Exponent
- Example 3: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 4: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 5: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 7: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 8: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
1.R.4 Problem Solving with Whole Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Application: Adding Whole Numbers
- Example 2: Application: Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Example 3: Application: Dividing Whole Numbers
- Example 4: Application: Calculating Loan Amounts
- Example 5: Application: Balancing a Checking Account
- Example 6: Application: Finding the Area of Rectangles
- Example 7: Calculating an Average
- Example 8: Application: Calculating an Average
- Example 9: Application: Calculating an Average
- Example 10: Application: Calculating an Average
1.R.5 Translating English Phrases and Algebraic Expressions
1.R.6 Solving Linear Equations: ax + b = c
- Examples
- Example 1: Solving Linear Equations of the Form ax + b = c
- Example 2: Solving Linear Equations of the Form ax + b = c
- Example 3: Solving Linear Equations Involving Decimals
- Example 4: Solving Linear Equations Involving Decimals
- Example 5: Solving Linear Equations Involving Fractions
- Example 6: Solving Linear Equations Involving Fractions
2.R.1 The Real Number Line and Absolute Value
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the Opposite of an Integer
- Example 2: Graphing Integers on a Number Line
- Example 3: Identifying Types of Numbers
- Example 4: Graphing Sets of Numbers
- Example 5: Graphing Sets of Numbers
- Example 6: Verifying Inequalities
- Example 7: Finding Absolute Values
- Example 8: Verifying Absolute Value Inequalities
- Example 9: Solving Absolute Value Equations
- Example 10: Solving Absolute Value Equations
- Example 11: Application: Solving Absolute Value Equations
2.R.2 Addition with Real Numbers
2.R.3 Subtraction with Real Numbers
2.R.4 Multiplication and Division with Real Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Multiplying Positive and Negative Real Numbers
- Example 2: Multiplying Two Negative Real Numbers
- Example 3: Multiplication by
- Example 4: Dividing Real Numbers
- Example 5: Dividing Fractions and Decimals
- Example 6: Application: Calculating an Average
- Example 7: Application: Calculating an Average
- Example 8: Application: Calculating an Average
2.R.5 Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Example 2: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Example 3: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Example 4: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Example 6: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
- Example 7: Using the Order of Operations with Real Numbers
2.1 Set Notation
2.2 Subsets and Venn Diagrams
2.3 Operations with Sets
- Examples
- Example 1: Determining the Intersection of Sets
- Example 2: Using a Venn Diagram to Find the Intersection
- Example 3: Determining the Union of Sets
- Example 4: Combining Intersection and Union
- Example 5: Identifying Disjoint Sets
- Example 6: Using De Morgan's Laws
- Example 7: Determining the Cardinal Number of a Union
- Example 8: Applying the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
2.4 Applications and Survey Analysis
3.1 Logic Statements and Their Negations
3.2 Truth Tables
3.3 Logical Equivalence and De Morgan's Laws
- Examples
- Example 1: Writing Variations of a Conditional Statement
- Example 2: Writing the Contrapositive of a Conditional Statement
- Example 3: Writing a Biconditional Statement
- Example 4: Applying De Morgan's Laws
- Example 5: Writing the Negation of a Conditional Statement
- Example 6: Writing the Negation of a Conditional Statement
3.4 Valid Arguments and Fallacies
4.R.1 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Understanding Fractions
- Example 2: Understanding Fractions
- Example 3: Understanding Proper Fractions
- Example 4: Understanding Improper Fractions
- Example 5: Evaluating Fractions Involving 0
- Example 6: Graphing Proper Fractions
- Example 7: Graphing Improper Fractions
- Example 8: Identifying Types of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Example 9: Application: Understanding Mixed Numbers
- Example 10: Application: Understanding Mixed Numbers
- Example 11: Graphing Mixed Numbers
- Example 12: Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
- Example 14: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
- Example 15: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
4.R.2 Introduction to Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 3: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Rounding Decimal Numbers
4.R.3 Decimals and Percents
4.R.4 Fractions and Percents
- Examples
- Example 1: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 2: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 3: Changing Mixed Numbers to Percents
- Example 5: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 5: Application: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 7: Changing Percents to Fractions
- Example 8: Changing Percents to Mixed Numbers
4.R.5 Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions
5.R.1 The Cartesian Coordinate System
5.R.2 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Examples
- Example 1: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 2: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 3: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 4: Using Intercepts to Graph Linear Equations
- Example 5: Using Intercepts to Graph Linear Equations
- Example 7: Graphing Horizontal Lines
- Example 8: Graphing Vertical Lines
5.R.3 Rules for Exponents
5.R.4 Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a Set of Terms
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the GCF
5.R.5 Factoring Trinomials: x^2 + bx + c
5.R.6 Factoring Trinomials: ax^2+bx+c
5.R.7 Special Factoring Techniques
5.R.8 Quadratic Equations: The Quadratic Formula
5.1 The Language of Functions
5.2 Linear Growth
5.3 Discovering Quadratics
5.4 Exponential Growth
5.5 Logarithmic Growth
- Examples
- Example 1: Equivalent Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
- Example 2: Equivalent Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
- Example 3: Evaluating Logarithmic Functions
- Example 4: Application of Logarithmic Functions Involving Earthquakes
- Example 5: Application of Logarithmic Functions Involving Earthquakes
- Example 6: Application of Logarithmic Functions Involving Earthquakes
- Example 8: Human Memory Capacity and Logarithms
6.R.1 Proportions
- Examples
- Example 1: Verifying Proportions
- Example 3: Solving Proportions
- Example 4: Solving Proportions
- Example 5: Solving Proportions
- Example 6: Solving Proportions
- Example 8: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 9: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 10: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 13: Application: Solving Proportions Written in Medical Notation
6.R.2 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
- Examples
- Example 1: Evaluating Perfect Squares
- Example 2: Evaluating Square Roots
- Example 3: Calculating Square Roots Using a Calculator
- Example 4: Verifying Right Triangles
- Example 5: Finding the Length of the Hypotenuse
- Example 6: Finding the Length of the Hypotenuse
- Example 7: Finding the Length of the Hypotenuse
6.R.3 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
- Examples
- Example 1: Combining Like Terms
6.R.4 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
6.R.5 Working with Formulas
- Examples
- Example 1: Application: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 2: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 3: Application: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 4: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 5: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 6: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 7: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 8: Solving for Different Variables
6.1 Everyday Geometry and Applications
- Examples
- Example 1: Determining the Length of a Line Segment
- Example 2: Complementary Angles
- Example 3: Supplementary Angles
- Example 4: Complementary and Supplementary Angles
- Example 5: Converting Decimal Degrees to Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
- Example 6: Converting Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds to Decimal Degrees
- Example 8: Determining Location
- Example 9: Using GPS to Determine Location and Distance
6.2 Circles, Polygons, Perimeter, and Area
6.3 Volume and Surface Area
- Examples
- Example 1: Determining Volume
- Example 2: Using Volume to Meet Restrictions
- Example 4: Finding the Volume of a Right Circular Cylinder
- Example 5: Finding the Volume of a Right Circular Cone
- Example 6: Finding the Volume of a Square Pyramid
- Example 9: Finding the Surface Area of a Right Circular Cylinder
- Example 11: Using Surface Area
7.R.1 Multiplication and Division with Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Multiplying Fractions
- Example 2: Application: Multiplying Fractions
- Example 3: Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
- Example 5: Application: Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
- Example 6: Multiplying and Reducing Using Prime Factors
- Example 7: Multiplying and Reducing Using Prime Factors
- Example 8: Multiplying and Reducing Using Prime Factors
- Example 9: Application: Multiplying and Reducing Fractions
- Example 10: Multiplying and Reducing Using the Division Method
- Example 11: Multiplying and Reducing Using the Division Method
- Example 12: Multiplying and Reducing Using the Division Method
- Example 13: Finding Reciprocals
- Example 14: Finding Reciprocals
- Example 15: Dividing Fractions
- Example 16: Dividing and Reducing Fractions
- Example 18: Finding a Missing Number
- Example 19: Application: Dividing Fractions
- Example 20: Application: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
- Example 21: Multiplying Mixed Numbers
- Example 22: Multiplying and Reducing Mixed Numbers
- Example 24: Finding Fractional Parts of Mixed Numbers
- Example 25: Dividing and Reducing Mixed Numbers
- Example 27: Application: Dividing Mixed Numbers
7.R.2 Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 2: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 4: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 5: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 6: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 7: Finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
- Example 9: Application: Finding the LCM
- Example 10: Finding Equivalent Fractions
- Example 11: Finding Equivalent Fractions
7.R.3 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 2: Finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD)
- Example 3: Adding Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 4: Adding Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 5: Adding Three Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 6: Application: Adding Fractions
- Example 7: Application: Adding Fractions
- Example 8: Subtracting Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 9: Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 10: Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 11: Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 12: Application: Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators
7.R.4 Decimals and Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 2: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 3: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 4: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Simplifying Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
- Example 9: Comparing Decimal Numbers and Fractions
- Example 10: Application: Decimal and Fraction Expressions
7.1 Introduction to Probability
7.2 Counting Our Way to Probabilities
7.3 Using Counting Methods to Find Probability
7.4 Addition and Multiplication Rules of Probability
- Examples
- Example 1: Applying the Addition Rule for Probability
- Example 2: Applying the Addition Rule for Probability
- Example 3: Applying the Addition Rule for Mutually Exclusive Events
- Example 4: Applying the Addition Rule for Mutually Exclusive Events
- Example 5: Independent vs. Dependent Events
- Example 6: Multiplication Rule for Independent Events
- Example 7: Multiplication Rule for Independent Events
- Example 8: Multiplication Rule for Dependent Events
7.5 Expected Value
8.R.1 Decimals and Percents
8.R.2 Fractions and Percents
- Examples
- Example 1: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 2: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 3: Changing Mixed Numbers to Percents
- Example 5: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 5: Application: Changing Fractions to Percents
- Example 7: Changing Percents to Fractions
- Example 8: Changing Percents to Mixed Numbers
8.R.3 Working with Formulas
- Examples
- Example 1: Application: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 2: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 3: Application: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 4: Evaluating Formulas
- Example 5: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 6: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 7: Solving for Different Variables
- Example 8: Solving for Different Variables
8.R.4 The Cartesian Coordinate System
8.R.5 Graphing Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Examples
- Example 1: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 2: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 3: Graphing a Linear Equation in Two Variables
- Example 4: Using Intercepts to Graph Linear Equations
- Example 5: Using Intercepts to Graph Linear Equations
- Example 7: Graphing Horizontal Lines
- Example 8: Graphing Vertical Lines
8.R.6 Slope-Intercept Form
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the Slope of a Line
- Example 2: Finding the Slope of a Line
- Example 3: Finding the Slope of a Horizontal Line
- Example 4: Finding the Slope of a Vertical Line
- Example 5: Using Slope and the y‑Intercept to Graph a Line
- Example 6: Using Slope and the y-Intercept to Graph a Line
- Example 7: Finding Equations Given the Slope and the y‑Intercept
8.R.7 Evaluating Radicals
8.1 Collecting Data
8.2 Displaying Data
- Examples
- Example 1: Interpreting a Frequency Distribution
- Example 2: Constructing a Frequency Distribution
- Example 3: Constructing a Grouped Frequency Distribution
- Example 4: Interpreting a Frequency Distribution
- Example 5: Interpreting Bar Graphs
- Example 6: Interpreting Bar Graphs with Multiple Populations
- Example 7: Interpreting a Histogram
- Example 8: Reading Graphs
8.3 Describing and Analyzing Data
8.4 The Normal Distribution
8.5 Linear Regression
9.R.1 Introduction to Whole Numbers
9.R.2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Whole Numbers
- Example 2: Adding Whole Numbers When Carrying is Required
- Example 3: Adding Whole Numbers Using Sums of
- Example 4: Adding Whole Numbers
- Example 5: Recognizing the Properties of Addition
- Example 6: Calculating the Perimeter of a Polygon
- Example 7: Application: Calculating the Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Example 8: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 10: Subtracting Whole Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 11: Subtracting Whole Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 12: Finding a Missing Addend
- Example 13: Application: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 14: Application: Adding and Subtracting Numbers
9.R.3 Exponents and Order of Operations
- Examples
- Example 1: Identifying the Base and Exponent
- Example 3: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 4: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 5: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 7: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 8: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
9.R.4 Introduction to Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 3: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Rounding Decimal Numbers
9.R.5 Decimals and Percents
9.R.6 Solving Percent Problems Using Equations
9.R.7 Simplifying and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
9.1 Understanding Personal Finance
9.2 Understanding Interest
- Examples
- Example 1: Calculating Simple Interest
- Example 2: Calculating Simple Interest on Purchases
- Example 4: Comparing Compound Interest for Different Compounding Intervals
- Example 5: Calculating Continuous Compound Interest
- Example 6: Finding the Maximum Amount of Interest Possible in One Year
- Example 7: Annual Percentage Yield
- Example 9: Calculating Interest on Payday Loans
9.3 Saving Money
9.4 Borrowing Money
10.R.1 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Whole Numbers
- Example 2: Adding Whole Numbers When Carrying is Required
- Example 3: Adding Whole Numbers Using Sums of
- Example 4: Adding Whole Numbers
- Example 5: Recognizing the Properties of Addition
- Example 6: Calculating the Perimeter of a Polygon
- Example 7: Application: Calculating the Perimeter of a Rectangle
- Example 8: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 10: Subtracting Whole Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 11: Subtracting Whole Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 12: Finding a Missing Addend
- Example 13: Application: Subtracting Whole Numbers
- Example 14: Application: Adding and Subtracting Numbers
10.R.2 Introduction to Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 3: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Comparing Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Rounding Decimal Numbers
10.1 How to Determine a Winner
10.2 What's Fair?
10.3 Apportionment
- Examples
- Example 2: Distributing Money from the Super Bowl
- Example 3: Applying the Hamilton Method of Apportionment
- Example 4: Applying the Jefferson Method of Apportionment
- Example 5: Applying the Webster Method of Apportionment
- Example 6: Applying the Huntington-Hill Method of Apportionment
- Example 7: The Alabama Paradox
10.4 Weighted Voting Systems
11.R.1 Decimal Numbers and Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 2: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 3: Changing Decimal Numbers to Fractions
- Example 4: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Changing Fractions to Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Simplifying Expressions with Decimals and Fractions
- Example 9: Comparing Decimal Numbers and Fractions
- Example 10: Application: Decimal and Fraction Expressions
11.R.2 Ratios, Unit Rates, and Proportions
- Examples
- Example 1: Application: Writing Ratios
- Example 2: Writing Ratios that Compare Mixed Numbers
- Example 3: Writing Ratios that Compare Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Application: Writing Ratios from Graphs
- Example 5: Writing Ratios in Geometry
- Example 6: Writing Ratios that Compare Measurements
- Example 7: Writing a Rate
- Example 8: Application: Batting Average
- Example 9: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 10: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 11: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 12: Application: Comparing Unit Prices
- Example 13: Application: Comparing Unit Prices
- Example 14: Verifying Proportions
- Example 16: Solving Proportions
- Example 17: Solving Proportions
- Example 18: Solving Proportions
- Example 19: Solving Proportions
- Example 21: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 22: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 23: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 26: Application: Solving Proportions Written in Medical Notation
11.R.3 Angles and Triangles
- Examples
- Example 1: Measuring Angles
- Example 2: Classifying Angles by Their Measure
- Example 3: Identifying Complementary and Supplementary Angles
- Example 4: Calculating Measures of Angles
- Example 5: Identifying Congruent Angles
- Example 6: Calculating Measures of Angles
- Example 7: Finding Adjacent Angles
- Example 8: Calculating Measures of Angles
- Example 9: Classifying a Triangle by Its Sides
- Example 10: Determining Whether a Triangle Exists
- Example 11: Analyzing Triangles
11.R.4 Rules for Exponents
11.R.5 Rationalizing Denominators
11.R.6 Quadratic Equations: The Quadratic Formula
12.R.1 Exponents and Order of Operations
- Examples
- Example 1: Identifying the Base and Exponent
- Example 3: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 4: Evaluating Exponential Expressions
- Example 5: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 7: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 8: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Using the Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
12.R.2 Ratios, Unit Rates, and Proportions
- Examples
- Example 1: Application: Writing Ratios
- Example 2: Writing Ratios that Compare Mixed Numbers
- Example 3: Writing Ratios that Compare Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Application: Writing Ratios from Graphs
- Example 5: Writing Ratios in Geometry
- Example 6: Writing Ratios that Compare Measurements
- Example 7: Writing a Rate
- Example 8: Application: Batting Average
- Example 9: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 10: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 11: Application: Writing a Unit Rate
- Example 12: Application: Comparing Unit Prices
- Example 13: Application: Comparing Unit Prices
- Example 14: Verifying Proportions
- Example 16: Solving Proportions
- Example 17: Solving Proportions
- Example 18: Solving Proportions
- Example 19: Solving Proportions
- Example 21: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 22: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 23: Application: Solving Proportions
- Example 26: Application: Solving Proportions Written in Medical Notation
12.R.3 Simplifying and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
12.R.4 U.S. Measurements
- Examples
- Example 1: Basic Conversions in the US Customary System
- Example 2: Converting US Units of Measure Using Multiplication/Division
- Example 3: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
- Example 4: Using Unit Fractions to Convert US Units of Measure
- Example 5: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
- Example 6: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
12.R.5 The Metric System: Length and Area
- Examples
- Example 1: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 2: Application: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 3: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 4: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 5: The Prefixes Mega-, Giga-, and Tera-
- Example 6: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 7: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 8: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 9: Converting Metric Units of Land Area
12.R.6 US and Metric Equivalents
- Examples
- Example 1: Equivalent Measures of Temperature
- Example 2: Converting Units of Temperature
- Example 3: Converting Units of Temperature
- Example 4: Converting Units of Length
- Example 5: Converting Units of Area
- Example 6: Converting Units of Capacity (Liquid Volume)
- Example 7: Converting Units of Weight (Mass)
13.R.1 Solving Linear Equations: ax + b = c
- Examples
- Example 1: Solving Linear Equations of the Form ax + b = c
- Example 2: Solving Linear Equations of the Form ax + b = c
- Example 3: Solving Linear Equations Involving Decimals
- Example 4: Solving Linear Equations Involving Decimals
- Example 5: Solving Linear Equations Involving Fractions
- Example 6: Solving Linear Equations Involving Fractions
13.R.2 The Real Number Line and Absolute Value
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the Opposite of an Integer
- Example 2: Graphing Integers on a Number Line
- Example 3: Identifying Types of Numbers
- Example 4: Graphing Sets of Numbers
- Example 5: Graphing Sets of Numbers
- Example 6: Verifying Inequalities
- Example 7: Finding Absolute Values
- Example 8: Verifying Absolute Value Inequalities
- Example 9: Solving Absolute Value Equations
- Example 10: Solving Absolute Value Equations
- Example 11: Application: Solving Absolute Value Equations
13.1 Introduction to Graph Theory
- Examples
- Example 1: Identifying Parts of a Graph
- Example 2: Identifying Parts of a Graph
- Example 3: Identifying a Walk
- Example 4: Identifying a Path
- Example 5: Identifying Connected and Disconnected Graphs
- Example 6: Identifying Different Views of the Same Graph
- Example 7: Identifying Parts of a Graph
- Example 8: Drawing a Graph Given the Edges
13.2 Trees
13.3 Matchings
13.4 Planar Graphs
14.R.1 Multiplication with Whole Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Recognizing the Properties of Multiplication
- Example 2: Using the Distributive Property
- Example 3: Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Example 4: Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Example 5: Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Multiplying Whole Numbers that End with 0s
- Example 7: Application: Calculating the Area of a Rectangle
14.R.2 Division with Whole Numbers
14.R.3 Tests for Divisibility
14.R.4 Rules for Exponents
14.R.5 Power Rules for Exponents
- Examples
- Example 1: Using the Power Rule for Exponents
- Example 2: Using the Rule for Power of a Product
- Example 3: Using the Rule for Power of a Quotient
- Example 4: Using Combinations of Rules for Exponents
- Example 5: Using Two Approaches with Fractional Expressions and Negative Exponents
- Example 6: Simplifying a More Complex Example
14.R.6 Evaluating Radicals
14.1 Prime Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Classifying a Number as Prime or Composite
- Example 2: Using a Factor Tree to Find a Prime Factorization
- Example 3: Classifying a Number as Prime or Composite
- Example 4: GCD Using Factor Trees
- Example 5: Using the GCD
- Example 6: Finding the GCD Using Euclid's Algorithm
- Example 7: Relatively Prime Numbers Using Euclid's Algorithm
14.2 Modular Arithmetic
14.3 Fermat's Little Theorem and Prime Testing
14.4 Fermat's Little Theorem and Public-Key Encryption
A.1 US Measurements
- Examples
- Example 1: Basic Conversions in the US Customary System
- Example 2: Converting US Units of Measure Using Multiplication/Division
- Example 3: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
- Example 4: Using Unit Fractions to Convert US Units of Measure
- Example 5: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
- Example 6: Application: Converting US Units of Measure
A.2 The Metric System: Length and Area
- Examples
- Example 1: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 2: Application: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 3: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 4: Converting Metric Units of Length
- Example 5: The Prefixes Mega-, Giga-, and Tera-
- Example 6: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 7: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 8: Converting Metric Units of Area
- Example 9: Converting Metric Units of Land Area
A.3 The Metric System: Capacity and Weight
- Examples
- Example 1: Common Metric Units of Capacity
- Example 2: Converting Metric Units of Capacity
- Example 3: Converting Metric Units of Capacity
- Example 4: Converting Metric Units of Capacity
- Example 5: Application: Converting Metric Units of Capacity
- Example 7: Converting Metric Units of Weight
- Example 8: Application: Converting Metric Units of Weight
A.4 US and Metric Equivalents
- Examples
- Example 1: Equivalent Measures of Temperature
- Example 2: Converting Units of Temperature
- Example 3: Converting Units of Temperature
- Example 4: Converting Units of Length
- Example 5: Converting Units of Area
- Example 6: Converting Units of Capacity (Liquid Volume)
- Example 7: Converting Units of Weight (Mass)