1.1 Whole Numbers and Rounding
1.2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)
- Examples
- Example 1: Addition with Whole Numbers
- Example 2: Properties of Addition
- Example 4: Finding Perimeter
- Example 5: Subtraction with Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Buying a Car
- Example 7: Estimating a Sum
- Example 8: Estimating a Difference
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)
1.3 Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)
- Examples
- Example 1: Properties of Multiplication
- Example 3: Properties of Multiplication
- Example 4: Multiplication with Whole Numbers
- Example 5: Multiplication with Whole Numbers
- Example 6: Finding Area
- Example 7: Division with Whole Numbers
- Example 8: Factors
- Example 9: Plumbing
- Example 10: Estimating a Product
- Example 11: Estimating a Quotient
- Example 15: Finding the Quotient and Remainder
- Example 16: Acres of Land
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)
1.4 Applications: Number Problems, Consumer Items, Checking, Geometry, and Reading Graphs
1.5 Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (x + b = c and ax = c)
1.6 Exponents and Order of Operations
1.7 Introduction to Polynomials
2.1 Introduction to Integers
- Examples
- Example 1: Opposites
- Example 2: Graphing Integers
- Example 3: Graphing Integers
- Example 4: Correcting False Statements
- Example 5: Absolute Value
- Example 6: Absolute Value
- Example 7: Absolute Value
- Example 8: Absolute Value
- Example 9: Absolute Value
- Example 10: Finding the Possible Integer Values
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Introduction to Integers
2.2 Addition with Integers
2.3 Subtraction with Integers
2.4 Multiplication, Division, and Order of Operations with Integers
- Examples
- Example 1: Multiplication with Integers
- Example 2: Multiplication with Integers
- Example 3: Multiplication with Integers
- Example 4: Division with Integers
- Example 5: Division Involving 0
- Example 6: Order of Operations with Integers
- Example 7: Order of Operations with Integers
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication, Division, and Order of Operations with Integers
2.5 Applications: Change in Value and Average
2.6 Introduction to Like Terms and Polynomials
2.7 Solving Equations with Integers (x + b = c and ax = c)
3.1 Tests for Divisibility
3.2 Prime Numbers
3.3 Prime Factorization
3.4 Least Common Multiple (LCM)
3.5 Reducing and Multiplication with Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Understanding Fractions
- Example 2: Placement of Negative Signs in Fractions
- Example 3: Multiplying Rational Numbers
- Example 4: Multiplying Rational Numbers
- Example 5: Multiplying Rational Numbers
- Example 6: The Commutative Property of Multiplication
- Example 7: The Associative Property of Multiplication
- Example 8: Raising Fractions to Higher Terms
- Example 9: Raising Fractions to Higher Terms
- Example 10: Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
- Example 11: Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
- Example 12: Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
- Example 14: Multiplying and Reducing Fractions
- Example 15: Multiplying and Reducing Fractions
- Example 16: Multiplying and Reducing Fractions
- Example 18: The Division Method
- Example 19: The Division Method
- Example 20: Buying Computer Disks
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Reducing and Multiplication with Fractions
3.6 Division with Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Finding the Reciprocal of a Fraction
- Example 2: Finding the Reciprocal of an Algebraic Expression
- Example 3: Dividing Fractions
- Example 4: Dividing Fractions
- Example 5: Dividing and Reducing Fractions
- Example 6: Dividing and Reducing Fractions
- Example 8: Dividing the Product by the Known Number
- Example 9: Dividing the Product by the Known Number
- Example 10: Application
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Division with Fractions
3.7 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Two Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 2: Adding Three Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 3: Adding Two Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 4: Adding Two Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 5: Adding Three Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 6: Subtracting Two Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 7: Subtracting Two Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Example 8: Subtracting Two Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 9: Subtracting Two Fractions with Different Denominators
- Example 11: Adding Fractions Containing Variables
- Example 12: Adding Fractions Containing Variables
- Example 13: Subtracting Fractions Containing Variables
- Example 14: Subtracting Fractions Containing Variables
- Example 16: Keith's Budget
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Addition and Subtraction with Fractions
4.1 Introduction to Mixed Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
- Example 2: Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
- Example 3: The Shortcut Method
- Example 4: The Shortcut Method
- Example 6: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
- Example 7: Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
- Example 8: Reducing Improper Fractions and Changing to Mixed Number
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Introduction to Mixed Numbers
4.2 Multiplication and Division with Mixed Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Multiplying Mixed Numbers
- Example 2: Multiplying and Reducing Mixed Numbers
- Example 3: Multiplying and Reducing Mixed Numbers
- Example 6: Fractional Parts of Mixed Numbers
- Example 7: Fractional Parts of Mixed Numbers
- Example 8: Area of a Rectangle
- Example 9: Area of a Triangle
- Example 10: Volume of a Rectangular Solid
- Example 11: Dividing Mixed Numbers
- Example 13: Dividing the Product by the Known Number
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication and Division with Mixed Numbers
4.3 Addition and Subtraction with Mixed Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Mixed Numbers with the Same Denominator
- Example 2: Adding Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators
- Example 3: Adding Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators
- Example 4: Adding Mixed Numbers and Whole Numbers
- Example 5: Subtracting Mixed Numbers with the Same Denominator
- Example 6: Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Different Denominators
- Example 7: Subtracting Mixed Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 8: Subtracting Mixed Numbers from Whole Numbers
- Example 9: Subtracting Mixed Numbers by Borrowing
- Example 11: Finding the Algebraic Sum of Mixed Numbers
- Example 12: Finding the Algebraic Sum of Mixed Numbers
- Example 13: Adding Mixed Numbers Using Improper Fractions
- Example 14: Adding Mixed Numbers Using Improper Fractions
- Example 15: Subtracting Mixed Numbers Using Improper Fractions
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Addition and Subtraction with Mixed Numbers
4.4 Complex Fractions and Order of Operations
4.5 Solving Equations with Fractions (ax + b = c)
- Examples
- Example 1: Solving Equations Using the Addition Principle
- Example 2: Solving Equations Using the Multiplication Principle
- Example 3: Solving Equations
- Example 4: Solving Equations
- Example 5: Solving Equations with Fractional Coefficients
- Example 6: Solving Equations with Fractional Coefficients
- Example 7: Solving Equations with Fractional Coefficients
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Solving Equations with Fractions (ax + b = c)
4.6 Solving Equations: Ratios and Proportions
5.1 Reading, Writing and Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 3: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Rounding Decimal Numbers
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Reading, Writing and Rounding Decimal Numbers
5.2 Addition and Subtraction with Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Adding Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Combining Like Terms
- Example 3: Subtracting Decimal Numbers
- Example 4: Subtracting Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Subtracting Signed Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Solving Equations Involving Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Estimating the Sum of Decimal Numbers
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Addition and Subtraction with Decimal Numbers
5.3 Multiplication and Division with Decimal Numbers
- Examples
- Example 1: Multiplying Positive Decimal Numbers
- Example 2: Multiplying Signed Decimal Numbers
- Example 3: Multiplying by Powers of 10
- Example 4: Dividing Decimal Numbers
- Example 5: Dividing Decimal Numbers
- Example 6: Dividing Decimal Numbers
- Example 7: Dividing Decimal Numbers
- Example 8: Dividing by Powers of 10
- Example 9: Estimating Products of Decimal Numbers
- Example 10: Estimating Quotients of Decimal Numbers
- Example 11: Buying a Car
- Example 12: Fuel Efficiency
- Example 13: Jogging
- Example 14: Price of Gasoline
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication and Division with Decimal Numbers
5.4 Applications in Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, and Range)
5.5 Decimals, Fractions, and Scientific Notation
5.6 Solving Equations with Decimal Numbers and Circumference and Area of Circles
5.7 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
5.8 Simplifying Square Roots
6.1 Understanding Percent
- Examples
- Example 1: Writing Fractions with 100 in the Denominator as Percents
- Example 2: Percent of Profit
- Example 4: Changing a Decimal Number to a Percent
- Example 5: Changing a Percent to a Decimal Number
- Example 6: Changing a Fraction to a Percent
- Example 7: Changing a Fraction to a Percent
- Example 9: Changing a Fraction to a Percent
- Example 10: Application
- Example 11: Changing a Percent to a Fraction
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Understanding Percent
6.2 Solving Percent Problems
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Solving Percent Problems
6.3 Estimating with Percent
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Estimating with Percent
6.4 Applications with Percent: Discount, Sales Tax, Commission, Profit, and Tipping
6.5 Applications: Buying a Car and Buying a Home
6.6 Simple Interest and Compound Interest
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Simple Interest and Compound Interest
8.1 Integer Exponents
8.2 Addition and Subtraction with Polynomials
8.3 Multiplication with Polynomials I
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication with Polynomials I
8.4 Multiplication with Polynomials II
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Multiplication with Polynomials II
8.5 Factoring Polynomials I
8.6 Factoring Polynomials II
10.1 Angles and Triangles
10.2a Length
10.2b Formulas for Perimeter
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Formulas for Perimeter
10.3a Metric Units of Area
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Metric Units of Area
10.3b Formulas for Area
10.4a Metric Units of Volume
10.4b Formulas for Volume
- Bonus Videos
- Bonus 1: Formulas for Volume