
1.1 Whole Numbers and Rounding

1.2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)

1.3 Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers (Calculators Included)

1.4 Applications: Number Problems, Consumer Items, Checking, Geometry, and Reading Graphs

1.5 Solving Equations with Whole Numbers (x + b = c and ax = c)

1.6 Exponents and Order of Operations

1.7 Introduction to Polynomials

2.1 Introduction to Integers

2.2 Addition with Integers

2.3 Subtraction with Integers

2.4 Multiplication, Division, and Order of Operations with Integers

2.5 Applications: Change in Value and Average

2.6 Introduction to Like Terms and Polynomials

2.7 Solving Equations with Integers (x + b = c and ax = c)

3.1 Tests for Divisibility

3.2 Prime Numbers

3.3 Prime Factorization

3.4 Least Common Multiple (LCM)

3.5 Reducing and Multiplication with Fractions

3.6 Division with Fractions

3.7 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

4.1 Introduction to Mixed Numbers

4.2 Multiplication and Division with Mixed Numbers

4.3 Addition and Subtraction with Mixed Numbers

4.4 Complex Fractions and Order of Operations

4.5 Solving Equations with Fractions (ax + b = c)

4.6 Solving Equations: Ratios and Proportions

5.1 Reading, Writing and Rounding Decimal Numbers

5.2 Addition and Subtraction with Decimal Numbers

5.3 Multiplication and Division with Decimal Numbers

5.4 Applications in Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, and Range)

5.5 Decimals, Fractions, and Scientific Notation

5.6 Solving Equations with Decimal Numbers and Circumference and Area of Circles

5.7 Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem

5.8 Simplifying Square Roots