Foundations of Mathematics for Virginia

0.1 Reading and Writing Whole Numbers

0.2 Addition and Subtraction with Whole Numbers

0.3 Multiplication with Whole Numbers

0.4 Division with Whole Numbers

0.5 Rounding and Estimating with Whole Numbers

0.6 Exponents and Order of Operations

0.7 Problem Solving with Whole Numbers

1.1 Exponents and Prime Numbers

1.2 Introduction to Fractions and Mixed Numbers

1.3 Ratios and Rates

1.4 Multiplication and Division with Fractions and Mixed Numbers

1.5 Least Common Multiple

1.6 Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

1.7 Addition and Subtraction with Mixed Numbers

1.8 Order of Operations with Fractions and Mixed Numbers

2.1 Introduction to Decimal Numbers

2.2 Addition and Subtraction with Decimal Numbers

2.3 Multiplication with Decimal Numbers

2.4 Division with Decimal Numbers

2.5 Decimal Numbers and Fractions

2.9 U.S. Measurements

2.10 The Metric System

2.11 U.S. to Metric Conversions

2.12 Reading Graphs

3.1a The Real Number Line and Inequalities

3.1b Introduction to Absolute Value

3.2 Introduction to Exponents

3.3 Square Roots

3.4 Addition with Real Numbers

3.5 Subtraction with Real Numbers

3.6 Multiplication and Division with Real Numbers

3.7 Order of Operations with Real Numbers

3.8 Introduction to Scientific Notation

4.1a Solving Linear Equations: x + b = c

4.1b Solving Linear Equations: ax = c

4.2 Solving Linear Equations: ax + b = c

4.3 Solving Linear Equations: ax + b = cx + d

4.4 Working with Formulas

4.5 Translating English Phrases and Algebraic Expressions

4.6 Applications: Number Problems and Consecutive Integers

4.7 Applications: Distance-Rate-Time, Interest, Average

4.8 Solving Absolute Value Equations

4.9 Linear Inequalities

7.1a Introduction to Rational Expressions

7.1b Multiplication and Division with Rational Expressions

7.2 Addition and Subtraction with Rational Expressions

7.3 Complex Fractions

7.4a Division by a Monomial

7.4b The Division Algorithm

7.5 Solving Equations with Rational Expressions

7.6 Applications: Rational Expressions

8.1 Evaluating Radicals

8.2 Rational Exponents

8.3 Simplifying Radicals

8.4a Addition and Subtraction with Radicals

8.4b Multiplication with Radicals

8.5 Rationalizing Denominators

8.6 Equations with Radicals

8.7 Complex Numbers

8.8a Applications: The Pythagorean Theorem

8.8b Applications: Distance Formula and Midpoint Formula

9.1 Functions and Function Notation

9.2a Solving Quadratic Equations: The Square Root Method

9.2b Solving Quadratic Equations: Completing the Square

9.3 The Quadratic Formula

9.4 Applications: Quadratic Equations

9.5 Graphs of Quadratic Functions

9.6 Quadratic Functions: Completing the Square and Applications